Monday, October 14, 2019

Water Scarcity in Saudi Arabia

Water Scarcity in Saudi Arabia Students Name: Ella Abstract Nowdays, water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia is characterized by challenges and achievements. One of the main challenges is water scarcity. The assessment will talk about the process of the research and the reasons for why the information is appropriate for this academic report. After having some specific data for the water usage in Saudi Arabia, we will describe a potential solution to one of these issues. The hypothesis for this paper is the Saudi Arabia can solve the water scracity this issue so that people who live there do not worry about the water anymore. Introduction In this scientific assessment was write about several water scarcity issue, the water pollution and the way to finish off the problem in Suadi Arabia. Now day has many countries have the issue about the water scrcity and water pollution. For the Middle Easts largest country, the water scarcity and water use increased dramatically, becoming a growing problem in Saudi Arabia. At present the fresh water it is extremely important for many countries and it is a narrow non-renewable, generalized renewable resources. People can not live without the water, also all the food we eat is all have the water element. The water chemistry will influence water scarcity is because the water have solubility and transmissibility. This the reason why the polluted water from the factory can pollution the the fresh water. And also some harmful substances will dissolve into the water that make water scarcity. In my hypothesis the Saudi Arabi can solution water scracity this issue. Methodology The first plan for achieving research purpose is to write donw the information about the water pollution and water scracity in Saudi Arabia that will guide we to research. Second write some qusetion that can solution the water scarcity in Saudi Arabia. After this two steps to research the information for water pollution and water scarcity in Saudi Arabia on the Internet. The detail data for the total precipitation and the consumption of water for the people live in this country. Then research the document of the government solution for the water problem. Last is some key fresh water issues in the Saudi Arabia. Afterwards will write about the reason for why chosen this information and why this document is good quality for use in the academic report. All the information is useful for the asseaament this is one of the primary reasons. Generally the most reliable sources are all come from the Web site addresses that at end is .gov means the goverment agency and education organisation the meaning of the end is .edu. Also can use some document is write from some university professors. Findings Saudi Arabia is a true Kingdom of oil, oil reserves and production ranked first in the world, making it be one of the richest countries in the world. Saudi Arabia is the worlds largest producer of desalination, the desalination of sea water around 21% per cent of the world total. But the Saudi Arabia still have the water problem, there are two most serious issues. First one is the lack of water resources problems, although now Saudi Arabia is the largest brackish water production country in the world, but when they have not established water desalting plant, water is not enough people there to use. And in Saudi Arabia due to lack of water resources utilization provided, thus giving rise to utilization of water resources waste and low efficiency of water use is becoming more and more serious. For this two issues I think the beat way to chang the situation first is to make a regulations of the water use, reduce the population and use of the wealth of oil and energy for seawater desalin ation. Chart: Changes in water demand and water supply in Saudi Arabia Event 1980(mcm/yr) (%) 1985(mcm/yr) (%) Water demand agricultural water 1860 79 7430 84 City life and other 500 21 1400 16 Total 2362 100 8830 100 Water supply Surface water 485 20 900 10 Renewable water 660 28 950 11 non-renewable water 1154 49 6480 73 sea water desalination, 63 3 400 5 wastewater of re10claimed water 100 1 Total 2362 100 8830 100 à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ mcm=millton core metersà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Discussion The chart write about the changes in water demand and the water supply in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 1985. This information is from an article, I put the text to the data and draw the graph. In this chart we can know that Saudi Arabias significant growth in demand for water in recent years. As the chart above shows, from 1980 to 1985, the increased water demand from 2362 to 8830, water demand has increased by 274% in the equivalent of 5 years, however, an average annual growth of 55%. These accurate data showing population impact on the utilization of water resources, also can to prove my hypothesis is correct, that the help the water resources be not in the absence have one of the methods is changing population Conclusions and Recommendations In conclusions I think the best way to tackle lack of water resources in Saudi Arabia this is to require a water use regulations. From the above data, we can see that peoples demand for water resources in Saudi Arabia year after year of growth and it was really fast, so I think the Saudi Government should require people to rational use of water resources. Everyone knows that Saudi Arabia is the worlds richest countries, if their rational use of water resources and rational use of groundwater, then maybe they dont have to worry about lack of water resources this issues in the future. Reference List Allan Foster, (Dec 9, 2010), Coping with Scarcity: Saudi Arabia and Water, Stimson Spotlight. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2016] (14 March 2013),Saudi Arabias water problems stink, FAILAKA. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2016] Saud A. Gutub, Mohamed F. Soliman and Asif uz zaman, (2013), Saudi Arabia Confronts with Water Scarcity: An Insight, PSIPW. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2016] (July 2, 2013), Saudi Arabia: The Desalination Nation, ASHARQ AL-AWSAT. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2016]

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